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We work to improve embryo transfer success

By detecting endometrial receptivity non-invasively and immediately


A high prevalent condition affecting

1 every 6 Couples

Couples experience difficulties conceiving after a year or more of trying. This problem touch millions of couples worldwide.

190 Million people

Globally, around 190 million women and man are affected by infertility. A major public health issue that prevents them from conceiving naturally.

Young adults

Among young adults between 20 and 45 years old, infertility is one of the leading health issues. 

Uterine readiness is the missing piece to achieve IVF success

While the selection of high quality embryos is solved, assessing the uterine readiness is still being done by counting days. Therefore an urgent unmet clinical need is to provide accuracy in detecting uterine receptivity to improve embryo implantation rates and IVF success. 


Make every embryo count

Seedchrony is a benefitial breakthrough technology. A first-in-class medical device developed to detect uterine readiness for embryo transfer in situ, non invasively, and inmediately.

  •  Assess uterine readiness for embryo transfer non-invasively without interfering with the patient’s journey. 

  • Embryo transfer effectiviness to achieve optimal IVF results.

  • Support natural cycles and single embryo transfer for healthier pregnancy and neonatal outcomes


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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Is the leading solution, but the success rates are still low, making the treatments


IVF often requires at least 3 cycles (around 2 years) to achieve a successful pregnancy.


The cost of one IVF cycle ranges from 8,000 to 10,000 Euros. 

Emotionally draining

The IVF process can be highly stressful, involving intensive medical treatments, frequent doctor's visits, and the uncertainty of outcomes. Due to the emotional highs and lows, many couples find the process overwhelming and tend to abandon the treatment.

Our Team

Mónica de la Vega

CEO / Co-founder

Luis Artiles

COO/ Co-founder

Dr. Julio Herrero

Clinical Trial Coordinator

Dr. Melchor Carbonell

Principal Investigator

Dra. Anna Teixidó

Clinical Investigator

Sussette Padilla

Manager / Regulatory & Quality

Gina Abelló

Manager / Clinical Trial

Adriano Feliu

Specialist / Marketing & Branding

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